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The Enigmatical Face

That face in the crowd had some mystic quality about it and instantly I came to use that face as a buffer to ease my tension but I knew beyond that there is no track. If I tried to break grounds, reality would more than blare at my face. That face offered something soothing to my tired mind. I tried to rummage through my mind the exact association of it, but there was nothing in the offing. I continued to pass by the gates of freedom with a new found relief in absolute silence and expectation. That face was there no doubt and the mysticism deepened, every time I looked at it. It wasn’t expecting to meet my eyes. It was waiting to receive some other stimulus for which there would be other responses. It surely wasn’t mine.     “Alok, look the other side; once before you had vied.” There, time was suspended one moment and everything continued to flow as before. That face was nameless, a rotating chain of memories followed. It produced some sensation that was some te

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