Beholder of that Paradise…..

                                     Image result for pics of boy and girl holding hands

I was awakened by the chirping of birds which were basking in the warmth of morning sunlight. A cool breeze flew through the window which brought much-needed respite from the sultry temperatures of the city. The sun had begun its ascent up in the sky as if inspiring everyone to buckle up for the challenges of the day. The sight looked as if there was an open invitation to cherish the beauty of nature. I was lost in mesmerizing the bucket of pleasures of the morning when suddenly someone knocked it over. ‘Excuse me, sir, you need to take your morning medicine, please sit.’ the nurse said. Though awake, I opened my eyes to witness the sordid reality around me. I was recuperating from a road accident which had played spoilsport for my love life.

I was on my way to attend the birthday party of one of my close friends in town. I had waited for so many months for this special day. Not that I had long lost love for my brother, but I had finally the chance to meet my crush – I spent countless nights practicing the opening line to start, but however hard I tried, there was always a dearth of words to illustrate the beauty which unceasingly emanated from her eyes which made me fall short of words. I still remember vividly the first time I saw her. It was the first day of college and I was aimlessly wandering, frantically searching for the admissions office ‘guy’ when I accidentally bumped into her. ‘I am really very sorry,’ I said, ‘Sorry’, I repeated. ‘Hey, its ok,’ she smiled. I was left awestruck when my eyes first caught her glimpse. I was swept off the ground by that divine smile which ornated the ambiance. Well, even more, lethal were her eyes. The shine which emanated from her eyes when she smiled…I prayed with my utmost devotion to halt the clock and freeze that moment forever. They say that all good things come to an end, but to me, her smile was the everlasting power which ushered happiness and joy around me. I desired to consistently look in her eyes which portrayed a positive vibe of beauty. They were beyond any description and I firmly believe no words could have glorified them.

‘Hey, you ok?’ she asked. I was suddenly woken from my daydream. ‘Oh, yes. Sorry!’ I exclaimed. She then turned around and walked away leaving me engrossed in her thoughts. I had lived a billion times in those stolen moments.

I was lost in her thoughts when the doctor entered the room and assured me that I will be discharged in a few days. I was lucky! I had only suffered some minor injuries. The doctor then went on his with further daily rounds and I was again lost in her thoughts. The sound of approaching footsteps woke me from my stupor and even before my eyes could witness her, my heart raced its speed to signal the
arrival of my soul which seemed to have wandered since that incident. To say that she was the most beautiful of all would be an understatement; for me she had been ruling over my heart since ages. I was lost in her thoughts and was unaware when she had entered the room and was standing beside the bed with a confounded expression. ‘Hey, how are you? I heard you met with an accident’, she spoke in her mellifluous voice and took a seat on the stool lying beside. ‘Please be careful on the roads, There are a lot of rash drivers these days!’ she said. I could notice a wave of care in her eyes and my heart embarked on a marathon. ‘Hi, thanks!’ was all I could squeeze out of my voice. I felt a sudden surge of emotions bursting in my head as if the voices were coercing me to pour out my feelings for her. ‘Idiot! Why can’t you express your feelings to her? Like a fool you kept silent all the 4 years of your college life and still kept on thinking about her,’ my mind blamed itself. My heart did no help but was speeding in its own race.

Astounded, I dared to directly confront her eyes and the very next moment I melted in her gaze. I accepted, I was severely smitten by her and the cupid’s target was precise – My heart which had abandoned me and was swooning over her. The mystic grace of her eyes, adorned with the black eye kohl was a pure bliss to witness which made me realize the zenith of my good luck that made me the beholder of that paradise. The exquisite charm of her enchanting look kept on instilling her in my heart and I was delving deep into her thoughts. Was that love? I’m not sure but it surely was something magical; like every second was a pure bliss.

I cajoled up all my energy and held her hand. Surprised, I expected her to fend off but she stayed firm with a confounded look in her eyes. ‘I know you may be surprised or even shocked to hear this –but you are my angel. I do not know if I am right in doing this but I can’t hold myself any longer. My heart beats out for you. I have tried hard to forget you but I have simply failed every time. I am locked up in your cell since the first day I saw you. The swaying of the side locks of your sparkly hair ornate the beauty you radiate. The fairylike smile of your luscious gorgeous lips embellishes the divine spark which rejuvenates the whole ambiance dispersing love everywhere.’

My eyes turned moist and a tiny drop of tear trickled down my eyes. My heart was racing at Godspeed and I could hear my heart beat clearly. All the while her eyes stared unswervingly into mine filled with exorbitant emotions. Her grip on my hand grew tighter and subsequently reciprocated by mine. The velvet touch of her soft fingers brought warmth into mine. My fingers wove around the three beautiful and small rings on her fingers and I wished to hold her hand forever. She was intently looking into my eyes and her lips moved a bit as if to say something, but then silence prevailed again. I was growing anxious every second if I had injured her feelings. What if she was in love with someone else? Even that didn’t matter because to me she was the only special one. I had always prayed for her happiness and success. I realized that’s true love –Loving somebody and being happy for her. Love is not done in exchange for love. To me, loving her had been the best thing happened which had inspired me throughout. I may not be the perfect one for her but she was the one with whom I could create a perfect world for us –together. I loved her. I was unaware when she had become the soul of my life and had ushered a welcome change in my life. My dreams, thoughts, emotions, breath…everything were captured by her enticing charm and she had been the constant in all.

She came a bit closer to me and looked more intently into my eyes. Her perfectly round golden earring glowed in the morning sunlight. I was lost in her grace when suddenly I felt a bit moist on my fingers. I observed a drop that had fallen on my wrist. Yes, her eyes were filled and her grip grew stronger. I was under some trance, waves and waves of emotions were traveling through my body. I brought my hand forward and caressed the side locks of her hair. The previous trickle of tears in my eyes had turned into streams.

Words were unspoken but feelings were exchanged. ‘I love you’, finally I said and felt the grip of her hand even tighter than before and tears fell down her eyes. We both felt the magic between us and I expressed gratitude to god for selecting me to take care of his own special lovely angel. I was the luckiest one – the beholder of that paradise…………..


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