The Heart Rustle

It has been a long while since I sensed her presence near me…
It has been a long path since she walked beside me…
Thinking of her, he looked towards the sky, pleading it and hoping to find her eyes looking upon him…
To the skies, I seek…Just a look of her face…

Shining with radiance among the stars, she ruptures the darkness cover every night, reaching out to me,
Filtering her comforting shimmer through the windows, she comes to give me company, shrinking my loneliness…

Flowing through me as air does, she sings to me while my voice emerges calling out her name…
Floating above me as clouds move, she rises and falls with the beats of my heart, springing life into me…
Drizzling on me as rains showers, she purifies me of my sadness, drenching me into her sea of love…

The pen stopped writing…
The emotions ceased flowing…
The moments kept slipping…

With much effort, he wrote down his feelings for her.

He had always kept a gap from her. The reason remained mysterious to him too. It might be the intense pull he felt when she was nearby and simultaneously survive the excruciating pain when she was not. He may have had caught a sign of her hidden ocean of affection and was overwhelmed by it. He had this strange notion that no woman on this planet can ever adore him who would go to any lengths to see a smile on his face. Hence, he chose tears over that smile…Being pragmatic was the need of the hour but this aided him to sustain in the depths of his expectations.

Whatever the reason was of his restraint, his heart was the worst victim.  Even though he thought he had a control over his emotions, he always knew deep down inside that the more he locked it within himself the greater would be the intensity of loneliness once the time of separation arrives…

“Why don’t I talk?”

This question didn’t need an answer but to make him remember that her sweet mellifluous voice had become his dream and desire.

Sometimes, the best answer is silence which was his only friend. He thought his silence would put an end to pushing his hopes up for her…would keep him afar…would make him realize that she can get way much better guys than him. Nevertheless, his pragmatic thinking failed to figure that he was an ordinary guy who would falter from his belief…a belief that longed for her company only to coddle her with love forever. But, the clock was ticking fast.

Never did he force himself upon her…never did he demand her for dialogue…never did he compel her to love him back…He always smiled and stepped back to provide her all the space she needed. Only did he know that time was passing by and his trivial pragmatist-self was keeping him away from the best days of his life…

Whenever close, she would breathe life into his soul…whenever distant, she would mold into his shadow. His pride was in knowing her and his secret was in loving her. Little he was aware that though he kept him a distance, she had already infused his heart with her life. He subliminally was drifting towards her. He was inadvertently emulating her lifestyle. The less he talked to her the greater was the imprint she had on him. It was indeed true that when the mind is busy keeping you conscious of the reality, the heart silently suffuses you with your desires, feelings and emotions. He was falling for her without realizing that the fall would be so sheer that there won’t be any possibility to return.

Unquestionably, TIME, seems always so less no matter how much we get of it. We don’t consider that each moment is a story within itself…and each moment passes away taking away the characters of its story with itself. But she had the only charm that had made an indelible memory in his life that even time could never eradicate…a soothing pain that he wanted to hold onto…a hovering life that he wanted to live on with her…together.

Silently, he stood near the window watching the sky, as usual, hoping to seek her face out of those white clouds…


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